About This Game In Istrolid you design your own unique spaceships from a large number of parts to fit your strategy and play style. With no set units or factions you are free to create a fleet where each ship has its own balanced strengths and weaknesses, from basic fighters and bombers to hulking battleships and speedy destroyers. Challenge your strategies and stretch your creativity, perfecting your spaceships' designs before taking them onto the proving grounds of battle. Jump straight into tense fights for territorial control where you maneuver your ships to best use their energy, ranges, firing arcs, turn rates and firepower. Conquer an entire galaxy in the single player campaign, where you collect the parts you need to build bigger and meaner ships. Use them to defeat increasingly tougher and more complex opponents. Test the strength of your designs in multiplayer combat, fighting solo or with allies. Face custom AIs with their own fleet lineups or even design your own AI that fights by your side. Are you ready? 7aa9394dea Title: IstrolidGenre: Free to Play, Indie, StrategyDeveloper:treeformPublisher:treeformRelease Date: 6 May, 2016 Istrolid Free Download [portable Edition] istrolid controls. istrolid online. istrolid icon. istrolid walkthrough. istrolid download. istrolid energy. istrolid ships. istrolid kite. istrolid campaign guide. istrolid forgot password. istrolid logo. istrolid guide. istrolid update. istolde tablets. treeform istrolid. istrolid steam. istrolid alpha. istrolid reddit. istrolid source code. istrolid multiplayer. istrolid commands. istrolid best ai. istrolid good ships. istrolid review. cruiser istrolid This game is awesome. Its a decent game. The campaign is also the tutorial. I spent almost a year playing it. Pro1_Get to build your own ship.2_Ai System for the ships.3_There's multiple player mode. 3v3\/ 2v2\/ 1v1.4_Moderator are usually on5_Regular updates.6_Balance weapons. 7_Its Free.Con1_Theres essentially one game mode. Which is one team vs another team in captureing points\/flags.2_Matching making isnt balanced. It gets decided by the host.For example if the host has a full 3 pros on their team, the host can let 3 new players in the opposite team.Basically a slaughter fest.3_Match Making is also very messy due to the multiple lobby that is generate but often stays on even when there isnt players in them. 4_The last one is managble but when the theres too many ship in play during a 3v3 crashes often.Heres some way they can fix the game. 1_Make sure each player finishes campaign before they can play multiplayer mode.2_Revamp the match making system to 10 lobby max. So people always run into another player.3_Add in another game mode.4_Limit the amount of ship that can be build for 3v3 so you guys can managed the server stress level.I rate this game 7\/10 at the momment. I know the dev can do better but i know its also just a project currently.. omg... what is this game.... i dont get it.... you build a ship with no instruction.... and you fight... and there are so much levels... i really dont get this game... 2\/10. VERY FUN TO PLAY. really fun strategic game. This game shouldn't be free. I had great fun playing this and subsequently bought the dlc regardless of what it was. A shame you can't build bigger ships and just have capital ship battles with a couple of fighters. If you like ship constructing games where you can change everything you will enjoy this. I personally had a great time pretty much designing entire new fleets for every level once the first easier half of the campaign was cleared. Good progression though, starts out easy enough then gets complex fast. Enjoyable, would pay money for this any day.. Tbh this is a very fun game. -I didn't expect this- Istrolid Version 38.38: We have an assortment of game improvements this time. A few balance changes that were generally frequently requested, and some general improvements to game operation.Balance ChangesTeslaNow always tries to chain to 4 targets.Splits damage between targets, making it weak vs tanky groups.Deals competative DPS, with minor EMP damage to make it better vs shields.WarheadsHave linear damage drop-off up to their new max radius of 300.This is in almost all cases a nerf, and they will be watcehed for current balance.UI ChangesServers now display skill of highest player.More visible game countdown. AI no longer copied with the ship, when you copy a ship.Bug FixesGeneral performance optimizations.Fixed a few chat bugs.OtherServers will now be brought up and taken down as needed. The system is new, and in refinement, but it should allow us to have better servers for the players by not keeping up unnecessary ones. For the moment all servers are now being hosted in America.I want to thank you all for playing and supporting the game. We will continue trying to improve Istrolid into the future.. Istrolid Version: 38.39: A smaller update this time.We are adding:Faction (Clan) TagsCan be setup in your profile.As of right now no other faction options exist.New Rank IconsShould be a bit more gradient, several more to cover early experiences.Campaign Mode BugsFixed some bugs in campaign mode.'Targets' Tutorial mission now has the targets move again.. Istrolid Update 0.45.46: Game Mode Changes. Istrolid Version 38.1: Updates have been a little bit slower this week as we try to complete some larger projects.That said, we still have some improvements to the fleet screen and editor.UI ImprovementsDragging onto units now swaps the units, rather than copying over.Now gives a red indicator when dragging off the fleet screen will delete.Holding alt and click on a unit now deletes it instnatly.Holding alt and clicking on a part now deletes it.Balance Changes Missile no longer hits cloaked units, and will stop tracking when the unit cloaks.. Istrolid Version 38.14: This update comes with several small general fixes and a range of balance changes to weapons. These are aimed mostly at normalizing all weapon costs to $5, bringing most weapons down from $10. This should allow stacking low-angle mounts to be more competitive than before when compared to hex-modding, so that we can see more large battleships which stack forward-mounted weaponry, rather than everything being able to fire in 360 and using hexmods.Balance ChangesAll weapons now cost $5.Heavy PD damage 44->60, making it more a versatile PD/weapon hybrid.Heavy beam 40T-30TFlak range 350->360, projectil speed 30->27. This helps it slightly when retreating, but makes it easier to dodge.Autocannon range 500->470 as it benefits a lot from the price drop.Tesla energy use down 10%.Warhead weight 5T->6TPhase bomb damage 180->150. AoE 50->75. This should make them less swingy and more reliable, but they still probably need a rework.General fixesFixes to spelling and wording.Fixes to login/password reset.Clicking on links fixedCopy/Paste fixed on Mac.. Istrolid Update 0.45.12: We’ve been working on this patch for a while and as a result there are a lot of cool new features.This patch releases the Curves and Shadows DLC. This entirely new DLC comes with a suite of curved armour, new shadowed heavyweight armour, new corner pieces for Ultralight, diagonal striping and 1x1 decals. Equipped with this DLC, you can compete with your friends to make the best looking ships ever..https://www.youtube.com/embed/g4jWiTtYDrMAlong with a huge number of quality of life and under the hood changes, this patch also comes with a host of new and reworked parts, including new weapons and energy generation options, and a new play mode.UI ImprovementsRight click on a players name to mute them or add them to your friendsHold down shift to give multiple linked orders in sequenceTournament ModeIn 1v1t the fleet bar is locked to its starting 10 ships, with no mid-game redesign or fleet swapping.AI’s are disabled, meaning it is a contest of pure skill.SidewinderA short range missile with a twin arcing behaviourRe-targets closest enemies mid flightLight and energy efficient.Jump DriveAllows a ship to jump up to 500m when given a movement orderExcellent on bombers and warheads to close in on an enemySolar PanelsLighter than Reactors, but do not add any HP or storageTake up more space, but come in smaller increments to tweak energy generationStasisDisplaced 100m forward, gaining more forward distance and less rear distance, making it better in pursuit than in retreatThe slow is now a flat 50%, rather than effecting slower ships more and faster ships lessFlamethrowerHas a much reduced AoE and a cool new colourful effectDoes 3% of the burnt HP per second, and burns to 100% of a ships HPThe DoT always leaves a unit with 4 HP remaining, meaning the burn cannot finish off a target on it’s ownShieldsThe large/medium/small shields regenerate at 50%, 75% and 99% of storage, letting you use battery to charge shieldsVarying energy usage, but faster regenerationTesla and Heavy BeamRate of fire Swapped, Heavy Beam is now a burst weapon, Tesla is a constant streamThis makes Heavy Beam better for sniping, while Tesla is for dealing with packsMany smaller changes including+100 base range for almost all weapons, giving extra reach to fighters and more maneuvering room+5t to the cloaking device, making very light cloaked units a little slower. Support Istrolid with our first DLC: Paint Job!: A lot of players have asked how they can support the game, so we’re releasing our first pack of cosmetic features for players who want to show their love for the Istrolid, and help with our rising server costs! For $10 you get all these cool decals that you can add on top of armor or batteries anywhere on your ship:All supporters also get pioneer features as a bonus, including the ability to rotate all armor pieces and wings as well as name your ships.This DLC includes: Insignias Letters & Numbers Stripes Ability to rotate parts Ability to name shipsThink of all of the cool new ships that you can build!
Istrolid Free Download [portable Edition]
Updated: Mar 17, 2020